Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Submission Major Project

Unconscious Worlds
by Antonina Peneva

The Making of The Unconscious Worlds
by Antonina Peneva

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Scene 2 Models

Here we go with Scene 2 - Personal Unconscious WIP.

1.1 Vintage looking perfume bottle

1.2 Vintage Transistor 

1.3 Vintage Alarm Clock

1.4 Suitcase with memorabilia: Photo albums, records, books, etc.


 1.5 Suitcase models

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Scene 1 Models update

Ok, here is my clock with some updates.

1.1 Big Numbers Dial
Reducing the Normal Map Depth will make the scratches subtle.

 As ususal here is my layered texture for the Big Numbers Dial.

 ISSUE #1 Why my Hypershade shaders look so weird but render fine?

1.2 Months Dial 

 Some of my shaders isn't properly aligned to my UVs :( Need fixing.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Scene 1 Models

Here are some scr shots of my model so far.
1.1 Black Dial

 1.2 Four Seasons Dial

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Pre Viz update

Ok I found a way to do the pre viz sharper and yet good to upload as size by not up scaling my video but downscaling the size of the composition settings in AE. This is just a pre viz after all. So here are my two scenes (I will add the third one soon). It is 1m 53s which is not bad and shows quite a lot. The transition isn't perfect but it shows the main idea. This of course will be developed later.

Monday, 14 March 2016

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Ego Update

Ok, I believe this is much more interesting approach. Just a quick mock up to develop.

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Ego Update

Ok, this one is quite challenging but here it is so far. Still trying to make it look more interesting and make the pieces work together.

and after some changes ...

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Personal Unconscious Update

And here is WIP of Image 2. Still to develop some of the details and coloration.Sepia seems to be a little dull and make the picture less interesting but I will combine the sepia with some retro color as the image shows.

Collective Unconscious Update

Still to develop the individual archetypes. Below is a very useful information regarding the archetypes.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Major Project: Ego

Ok, for this one I would like to present the Ego as faked Self. The reason for this is that "the ego knows only its own contents, not the unconscious and its contents" [“The Undiscovered Self,” CW 10, par. 491.]
It is primarily shaped by the social environment. Nowadays this happens to be the virtual social environment. Below is  my interpretation of the Ego. The display will be animated by logging into the social media by the username : Ego

Another interpretation which I quite enjoy is to make the Facebook Logo like those Motel Neon Signs 24/7 but with facebook features such as messanger, friend requests, etc.

Major Project: Personal Unconscious

C.Jung defines this as a place of memories including those which we suppress. As suggested by Alan, the past is nostalgic and hence looks brighter than the present. It hold all those moments and emotions we long for but cannot have. So I thought of two interpretations of this place:

The simple mirror reflects as video clips different moments of a person's life such as a birthday, or childhood memory or a moment with one's parents, or with their loved one or the first day at school. At the same time it reflects the desert. It is a mirror after all.

The pile of vintage suitcases and gramophone reminds me most of the nostalgic past. The animated gramphone will play some old tunes and the vintage suitcases represent one's journey so far.

Friday, 19 February 2016

Major Project : Collective Unconscious

The animation will cover 3 parts of the mind. This is the first one.
Place of dreams and surreal images including the archetypes;

The animation starts with this scene; looking into different elements of the clock
- the collective unconscious collects all the knowledge of our existance, a knowledge we share as a species;
- it includes dreams and fantasies;
- archetypes emerge from this place and are the source of our further perception of the world.

Note: The features of this clock need development!!! They are not interesting enough and do not resonate the meaning of this place.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Major Project Ego

Some mock ups for what's in my mind as scene 3: the final scene. The printed text is inspired by the Shining.
The Ego is represented as how we see ourselves. It is who we think we are. Those walls are mirrors that will create more depth to the environment.

Monday, 15 February 2016

Major Project: Collective Unconscious

The animation for this project has 3 parts as mentioned in the previous post. This is the first one:
Collective Unconscious

This is a place of drams. Images that cannot escape to the conscious level, surreal and improbable. This is the place that contains the knowledge of our existance as part of the universe. This is the genesis.

Here are two quick mock up ideas of what is in my mind. The scene will be a combination of 2D and 3D. 

A GIGANTIC MIRROR: It reflects a different world. I am stil thinking what kind of animated scene to put as a reflection. Probably a footage.Why mirror? Because this is a place that does not show reality. Where time and space merge.

A GIGANTIC CLOCK: This clock was inspired by the Hempton Court Clock which shows the zodiac signs, the tides, the position of the moon, the time, etc. I am sill thinking to further adapt this beautiful design. I put the 12 types of archetypes with words and some symbols representing the existance of life. Why a clock? Because time does not exist in the unconscious. It does not have past, present or future. The time exist through our perception. At this level perception does not exist. This clock is unusual. The 2 dials will move in opposite directions and as we can see there is just one handle. With other words, this is not an ordinary clock but a clock, which does not show the real time.

This stage of the mind is a surreal place, dreamlike and completely unreal. So this is what I try to achieve. Here are some inspirations I found. I believe I need to develop a bit further the scene as it is as complex as it should be.